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♦ MIX DRIED FRUITS AND MIX NUTS | Dried fruits are higher in calories than same amount of fresh fruit..

Mix Dried Fruit Mix Dried Fruit 15771
Mix Dried Fruit and Mix Nuts Mix Dried Fruit & Nuts 15770

The dried fruits is fresh fruits with all the water sucked out. The dehydration process results is a some what unappealing, wrinkly-looking fruit with a high concentration of nutrition.

Dried fruit is shock full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals. Compared with vitamin C and E dried fruits & nuts have superior quality antioxidants. The dried fruits are also higher in calories and suger than same amount of fresh fruit. Some health benefits of dried fruits & nutes are given below:

1) Benefits for Cardio vascular diseases (CVD): The benefits of nuts & dried fruits in relation to CVD have been widely supported by both epidemiological and clinical trials. Scientific studies have clearly demonstrated that nut consumption has a cholesterol- lowering effect. A study published in 2015 observed that tree nut intake was associated with a decrease in total cholesterol, LDL, “bad,” cholesterol and triglycerides.

2) Benefits of nuts in weight control: Nuts & dry fruit not only offer nutritional benefits, but may help to control body weight. Some research has shown that nuts may have high satiety properties. In fact, long-term nut consumption is associated with lower weight gain and overweight/obesity.

3) Beneficial for type 2 diabetes: A number of studies have investigated the effect of nut consumption on diabetes risk. In particular, a 2011 PREDIMED study observed a 52% reduction in diabetes incidence in two experimental groups supplemented with olive oil or 30 g (1 oz) of nuts (a mix of walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts) per day, compared with the control group.
Research suggests that dried fruit consumption is also good for people who have diabetes. A study by Louisville Metabolic and Atherosclerotic Research Center observed that consuming raisins as an alternative to processed snacks resulted in a significant 23% reduction in postprandial glucose levels.

4) Beneficial of Gastrointestinal Function: Dried fruits are well-known sources of dietary fiber, which has a direct effect on gastrointestinal function.
In 2013, Dried fruits were granted a specific EU health claim for their contribution to digestive health. The permitted health claim reads: “Dried fruits contribute to normal bowel function”. Eating 100 g of dried fruits (3.5 oz, 8-12 pieces) daily promotes good digestive health and provides more than 19% of the daily recommended intake of fiber. There is also scientific evidence that suggests that dried fruits may improve stool frequency and consistency in cases of constipation.

5) Beneficial of Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is a debilitating disorder that affects both men and women. Aside from existing drug therapies, certain lifestyle and nutritional factors are known to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Among nutritional factors, recent observations suggest that dried fruits may be helpful in both preventing and reversing bone loss. In addition, a 2011 study suggests that dried fruits may improve the bone mineral density in postmenopausal women.

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